Once you get there, select the enable Experimental feature and restart the software. You can change this by heading over to the Tools.Options>libreOffice>Advanced. Take the sidebar for instance it is enabled by default in Apache OpenOffice, whereas LibreOffice has it disabled. The differences between them are minute and are not easily identifiable but still, those differences exist for you to point them out.

Let’s see how this software is different from each other and what progress has been made in both since 2011. Both utilities have found their loyal user bases and are being regularly updated.Īpache OpenOffice comes under the Apache Foundation, whereas the documentation foundation sees to LibreOffice and its updates. Windows, Mac OS, and Linux Distros are the multiple operating systems on which they could work. Oracle replaced the software with two different projects: the Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice. That all changed in 2009 when Oracle acquired the project from Sun Microsystems and discontinued it in 2011.

There used to be a time when was commonly used in production environments all across the US.